Apocalypse Zero


Apocalypse Zero, known in Japan as Encouragement of Resolve (Kakugo no Susume), is a manga series written and illustrated by Takayuki Yamaguchi. It follows the story of Kakugo and Harara, two brothers trained by their father to slay monsters in post-apocalyptic Tokyo. The brothers are equipped with Fortified Armor Shells, cyborg exoskeletons crafted from the souls of deceased warriors. However, Harara becomes possessed by a mysterious evil, causing him to mutate and desire the destruction of mankind. Kakugo must now stop his brother and his demon army. The manga series was published from 1994 to 1996, and was later adapted into a two-episode anime OVA. Despite its violent and repulsive imagery, the manga was well received in Japan and was a finalist for the 1997 Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize.